"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Imagine you were given the ability to create money out of thin air. To increase your assets, you need only key in an imaginary deposit. Now, suppose you were the only person granted this authority. In order for anyone else to get money, they must borrow it. So you create money out of nothing and lend it out at interest. The entire economy is based on debt owed to you, from money you created out of thin air. You are now the most powerful person in the world, wielding the power of a God. Governments bow to you.
Citizens must now pay income tax to cover the interest payments on the debt. They are your slaves! A special revenue authority is created by the government to collect taxes from the people. It doesn't matter the highest law of the land has ruled taxation of wages to be "unconstitutional". Three times the high court has declared wages to be an exchange of goods and services—a form of barter.
Since you control the world's money supply, your power and influence over the world's governments and politics is supreme. You really don't care who wins the election. In the words of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." Why should you? You have the power to withhold the money a nation needs to maintain its sovereignty. If a nation dares to print its own money, whether it be fiat "greenbacks" or a "silver certificate", you will do anything to prevent your empire from collapsing, even if it means the assassination of a world leader.
You are wealthy beyond belief. The entire world is your slave. You control and manipulate governments. As the tax burden of average citizens increases, the middle class decreases, and you become even wealthier. Since the value of your assets is based on nothing, you decide upon a commodity to give it stability. Since you control the world's governments (behind the scenes), you manipulate them to reach an agreement. All oil must now be sold only in your nation's currency. Now, your nation's money is the "gold standard" for the entire world. Brilliant!
Everything has been progressing wonderfully. But now, another nation is threatening to crush your financial house of cards. It begins selling oil for a new currency called the "Euro". The Euro soon climbs from .75 to 1.25. Your nation's economic stability is now seriously at risk. You must act quickly to prevent the collapse of your civilization. With your power to control the money of many nations, you are able to execute a plan to save your empire. Lies are constructed to create an excuse to make war on the nation who dared usurp your monetary authority. Now, a nation stands accused of harboring "Weapons of Mass Destruction".
The WMD story is not a total fabrication. After all, selling oil for Euros is quite "destructive" to your economic empire. It threatens your very existence.
The initial invasion goes without a hitch. You capture the capital city with ease. Once inside the city walls, the first thing you do is set up a new monetary system—using your own imaginary money to fund it. The captured nation is now in your debt. You are the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank
After years of artificially creating wars and financial crises, your greed is leading to the destruction of the beautiful empire you created. There is nothing you can do to prevent the inevitable. You do everything you can to delay the inevitable—the complete annihilation of your empire and the collapse of the entire world economy. It is just a matter of time. Your grandchildren—and perhaps even your children—may call upon the rocks to fall upon them and save them from the unbearable pain that awaits.
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