Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Changing Landscape of Social Networking & the Future of the Internet
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Economy: Singapore vs. US
En route to Singapore, I had a stopover in Japan. My first observation was the obvious: the yen had strengthened quite a lot against the mighty US dollar. My overall experience in Japan has confirmed the value of a production-based economy.
Friday, July 16, 2010
If This Were Your Universe . . .
Some of your children are poor or happened to be born in a dark corner of the room, so you allow them to go without health care and suffer horrible diseases.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The debt you don't know you have
Rent is debt if you sign a lease. Most landlords require you sign a six to twelve month lease.
Most people buy a cellphone through the service provider and sign a two year contract. That is debt. (That's why I bought an unlocked GSM phone in Asia and use always prepaid service). BTW, it is impossible to buy an iPhone in US without a contract.
You can't set up a new Internet or television service in your home or flat without a contract. Period.
The US market is designed to force people into debt slavery by its system of service contracts. When you have a contract, you're obligated for that period of time even if your circumstances change. That's debt.
I strongly encourage anyone who reads this to think twice before signing the dotted line. Do you really need an iPhone so badly you'd enslave yourself to it? It is your master for the duration of the contract. You are enslaved for two years to pay for a phone that will be outdated before the contract expires.
Think about it.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Is Singapore Truly a Police State?
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Psychology of "Unfriending"
I consider myself quite fortunate. Despite my controversial nature, my list of friends has been steadily growing. There have been a few casualties on the way up, but I can count them on one hand. In no case was I unfriended by someone I had any emotional connections to (that I've noticed anyway). While I don't miss them, I can't help but wonder what the catalyst was. Such things are important to know. Why? When you run a business, and customers drop away, you try to identify the cause in order to improve your business. I regard social networking friendships, blog subscribers, etc. in the same fashion. My goal is to generate discussion on difficult topics, while not driving people away. It would be nice to identify the exact post or cause of such an extreme action.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Should Churches Host Easter Egg Hunts?
I am from an agnostic family, but frequently went to church with friends. I attended Assembly of God, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist and Disciples of Christ Churches during my youth. Not one of them held such an attitude regarding Easter. In fact, I don't recalling knowing that any Christian's were opposed to these traditions.
It wasn't until I became older and moved to the south end that I began to encounter a new breed of Christian. I met believer's who were against Christmas Trees, the Easter Bunny, and even Harry Potter. Has Christianity become more extremist or has the south end always been this way? I really don't know, but I never agreed with such insanity. To me, this is the kind of thinking found more among extremist Islamic societies, not mainstream Christianity.
What could possibly be "Satanic" about Harry Potter? It quickly became obvious to me that this view was held ONLY by Christian's who had not actually read it. Obviously, this is a work of fiction--a fantasy. No one reading it would ever confuse it with reality. Why don't these Christian's also oppose the Wizard of Oz or The Chronicles of Narnia?
My favorite Halloween costume has always been a witch. I love witches, magic, and making the cackle. Note I am NOT a Wiccan, do not practice magic, and do not believe in magic. My love for ghost and witch stories has not turned me into a witch (which these particular Christian's would brand 'Satanic').
Much like Halloween, many of our Easter traditions stem from ancient pagan rituals. These rituals were practiced by the ancients who knew nothing of science. They developed complex myths to explain the world around them. These myths attempted to answer questions, such as, "Why is there death?", and, "Why didn't the crops grow?". In such a society, people make connections between events and prior actions. So, if a spouse cheats and there's a thunderstorm afterward, the superstitious minds of the ancient people would perceive that as the wrath of a god or gods.
These societies would always be attempting to guess what the gods wanted from them to ensure their survival and happiness. Naturally, the ultimate deciders were those in authority. The practices which developed ensured the survival of the community by forging a common mindset among the people.
The ancient rituals have nothing to do with Satan, but are based on these myths. Just because these myths are disagreeable to our modern way of thinking doesn't mean that Satan inspired them. People are quite inventive on their own. This was a culture who didn't understand science and didn't have a supernatural being to guide them. These religions evolved over thousands of years as a way to explain what the ancient's didn't understand. They had no knowledge of science, so they were naturally superstitious and developed their 'theology' as a way to explain the universe. This is a well-known socio/psychological phenomenon.
This celebration preceded the resurrection of Christ. Christ did not resurrect on that day. Rather than abolish a celebration that was deeply rooted in the culture, the church decided to invade the holiday and take it over. They took old traditions and put a different spin on them. They "Christianized" them. The church redefined these symbols and rituals. Easter Sunday (or whatever you prefer to call it) NEVER had anything whatsoever to do with the resurrection.
Who cares what these rituals meant to the ancient societies? They are completely devoid of any superstition today. They have been "purified" by their association with Christ and, nowadays, secular fun. If people want to engage in innocent fun on Easter, it doesn't detract from Christ, since he has nothing whatsoever to do with in the first place. That being the case, there's no reason for hundreds of 'once a year' Christians to go to church that day.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
If Santa Claus is Real, Why Not the Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Why is this significant? It testifies to the malleability of a child's brain—their thoughts, attitudes and religion. Yes, religion.
A child's idea of religion comes from his/her parents. As with Santa Claus, a child will believe whatever their parents tell them is true. If you can convince a child that a fictional elf at the North Pole flies around the globe in a single night with a sleigh pulled by reindeer, then certainly you can convince them to worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Friday, March 12, 2010
The National Debt , The Federal Reserve & the State of the Monetary System
The real issue isn't what the government owes or how much money it spends. It is the fact that ALL money is created by creating debt. New money is created in the amount of the debt, but interest is still owed. Therefore, if every person & nation paid off all debt, the global economy would still be in the red by trillions, because the money to repay it doesn't exist. Even much of the debt would go unpaid as well, due to the "multiplier affect" (another topic). By design, new money—debt—must always be created so that interest can continue to be paid, ad infinitum. It's a trillion dollar Ponzi scheme conceived by a small group of influential men on Jekyll Island
At the moment, the increased spending is keeping things somewhat stable—softening the blow for the entire world. The US dollar is the currency standard for the entire global economy, therefore, it is the US who must bear the burden of debt. Our consumer economy has created wealth (and poverty) around the globe at our own expense.
The gap between the wealthiest 10% and the rest of the world is increasing exponentially because of the debt-based system. The middle class is getting poorer and more indebted, while the rich are getting richer. This is a direct result of our debt-based economy. If you are wealthy, you have no need for debt. Instead (for example), the wealthy will put 1,000,000 in the bank to draw interest, making them even richer. Where does the money come from to pay the interest? Those of us who are not wealthy and must borrow money just to survive. When you get an auto loan, a mortgage, or a credit card, you pay interest on the debt. That interest pays the interest of the wealthy man's investment. The ones getting richer are the very same who control the global economy.
DREAM Act: We Don't Punish Children of Murderers, Why Punish Those of Immigrants?
Many children of illegal immigrants grow up to attend top colleges despite the odds stacked against them. Imagine living in fear of a knock on the door, or seeing your neighbor taken away in a raid. They lived a life of relative poverty. In many cases, they have excelled beyond that of our own children. If anyone is worthy of naturalized citizenship, it is these young Americans.
We shouldn't punish children for the so-called "crimes" of their parents. In this case, the only "crime" was the desire for a better life. How many of our ancestors risked everything to come here? What ever happened to "Give us your weak, your tired, your huddled masses"?
The US is the only home they've ever known. They live the American lifestyle, play American baseball, eat American food, hang out with American friends, and strive for the same illusion of the American Dream. They are as American as apple pie and baseball. Deporting these kids to a strange land for which they are unprepared is a gross violation of human rights—especially when they've done nothing at all to deserve it. Is our country not above that way thinking?
Monday, March 8, 2010
This Could Be You
Then, things get bad very fast. You lose your union job due to massive cuts at the factory.
You're full of s**t, but you're not stupid
In my home growing up, swearing was by no means encouraged. There was one word we were absolutely forbidden to say to anyone—stupid. In my family, calling anyone stupid was worse than telling them to go to hell. In high school, I did find a way around this using my sense of humor along with some medical terminology. I once told my younger sister that the doctor called to schedule her annual pneumoencelphalectomy. She then asked me to spell it so she could look it up! If you know medical terminology, you will be able to figure out I was cleverly calling her an airhead. How come I can say poo and crap, but not shit? Do they not mean the same thing? Perhaps instead of saying, "You're full of shit", I should say, "You full of excrement". Personally, I think the former makes the point a bit better, don't you?
Why is intercourse okay, but fucking is equivalent to a bomb? "I want to fuck you" sounds much better than "I'd like to have intercourse with you". The guy who said the former is the one I'd pick. Isn't an explosive climax better than ending it by conversing with each other?
Vagina is okay, but not pussy. If pussy meant vagina in French, would it still be a bad word?
Are these laid out in the Bible? The Koran?
What or who determines which words are acceptable and which are not?
Seriously, words are not inherently evil. Please, if you're the one who determines which words are okay, and which are not, please enlighten me as to the determining formula.
An inquiring mind wants to know—word police, clue me in!
The "Real Reason" for Unemployment: Laziness?
Today on CNN, Tom Delay had this to say about the "real reason" for the high unemployment rate:
“There is an argument to be made that these extensions, the unemployment benefits, keep people from going and finding jobs.
In fact there are some studies that have been done that show people stay on unemployment compensation and they don’t look for a job until two or three weeks before they know the benefits are going to run out."
Candy Crowley asked: “People are unemployed because they want to be?”
Delay responded: “Well, it is the truth. And people in the real world know it.”
Delay is trying to support his argument that unemployment benefits cause laziness or apathy. Hmmm. As one of the "people in the real world", I seriously question that assessment.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thieves Watcheth with the Dogs
"Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, a former chief economist at the World Bank, said that if a country had applied for World Bank aid during his tenure, with a financial regulatory system similar to the Federal Reserve's—in which regional Feds are partly governed by the very banks they're supposed to police—it would have raised alarms."Stiglitz, author of Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy
—Stiglitz, Nobel Prize-Winning Economist, Says Federal Reserve System 'Corrupt'
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Every Man for Himself, No Matter the Cost?
Conservatives love to say they don't want to pay for the health care of another. Everyone should take care of themselves. The "every man for himself" philosophy might work well in an ideal world. In our current environment, this is an unobtainable and unrealistic goal.
"Insurance was designed to help in times of catastrophe. When we apply it to everyday health care, it becomes the catastrophe."
Friday, February 26, 2010
Crossword Solving Hacks, Part I
As a passionate crossword solver—or cruciverbalist—I am amazed by the number of people who remark how smart I must be. They are right—I do have above average intelligence—but they are wrong about the difficulty of solving a crossword puzzle.
After completing hundreds of puzzles, I have noted many common trends which making solving the puzzle much easier for those who are aware of them. I have decided to post a series of articles that will help you look like a genius to your friends who don't are unaware of the tricks of the trade. If you follow these tips, you will be on your way to becoming a highly regarded cruciverbalist.
The clues provided here are deliberately easy with obvious answers, such as you'd find in the easiest of puzzles. Many of these examples are taken directly from puzzles I have solved. You will notice that most of the hacks covered related to finding clues hidden in the clues themselves. If you understand that, you already know the biggest secret of successful solvers.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Why Lawmakers Won't Fix the Economy . . . and How to Prepare for Coming Collapse
Wealth is an illusion. Truth wealth is complete ownership of an asset. A homeowner does not own their home as long as there is a mortgage. That mortgage is considered an asset by the bank, even though the loaned money did not even exist prior to the mortgage being created.
According to economist Peter Schiff, who predicted the current crisis years before it happened, "Our government for many years has been successful at hiding the problem and buying time". (Crash Proof 2.0: How to Profit From the Economic Collapse
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Story of Noah's Ark
Monday, February 22, 2010
A Letter to Strict Tithe Payers
If you choose to donate ten percent to your church when you cannot meet your contractual obligations, the result is deliberate dishonesty, because you deliberately choose to donate rather than live up to your contractual promise. When you deliberately break a promise, that is sin! To say otherwise is to say that God allows sin in order to support his church operations. So, in essence, you are saying it is okay to break a legal contract in order to make a voluntary payment. You are defaulting on your word, so your word means nothing.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Why the US is Not a Free Market
In addition to official corporate lobbies, there are non-profit organizations pleading for support. We must avoid judging these groups without first doing our research. Many of these "non-profit" organizations are funded by commercial enterprises. This gives the illusion of an independent lobby, when in fact it quite biased.
Here are some clear examples (just to name a few) of how US corporate interests have been able to usurp monopoly regulations. As a result, the free market has become so eroded it can no longer function properly.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Why the Fed and the free Market Are Incompatible
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Out of Thin Air
Imagine you were given the ability to create money out of thin air. To increase your assets, you need only key in an imaginary deposit. Now, suppose you were the only person granted this authority. In order for anyone else to get money, they must borrow it. So you create money out of nothing and lend it out at interest. The entire economy is based on debt owed to you, from money you created out of thin air. You are now the most powerful person in the world, wielding the power of a God. Governments bow to you.