I am thankful I'm not you. If I were you, I would not be me, and I like me--perhaps even more than I like you.
I'm thankful I'm not fat. I think it's natural, but there's no way to know for sure. I suppose I could I follow you around and eat whatever you do and see what happens. But even if you're thin, that amount of food couldn't possibly be good for a creature less than 5 feet tall.
I'm grateful my son can get married without crossing our northern border. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I won't explain it. If you do, you'll get why I can't bring this up with the religious half of the family.
I'm thankful I am not a Black Friday shopper. Shopping Black Friday is neither pleasurable nor smart. I can find much better deals online the rest of the year. Why make myself look and feel like an idiot for nothing? If I need a big screen that badly, I really need to get a life.
The thing which brings me the most gratefulness of all: I was able to see through the myths the religious hold dear. I am completely free. Free to think. Free to live life to the fullest. I don't want to waste the only life I have serving a myth and obeying made up rituals which do nothing that can't be accomplished using basic psychology.
I'm thankful weed is legal. It shouldn't be illegal to grow any plant which nature created. If it were discovered ferns can make you high, should you start re-landscaping? This unnecessary war on weed has not served our country (or any other) well. Also, I really, really enjoy vaping it in my Pax.
Finally, I am thankful for the Internet. The world is more educated than ever before and it's a great place to blog my thoughts when I cannot otherwise speak.